Tried, operatively. I mean I couldn’t help but buy the beets. As the naïve, young soap opera heroine is attracted to the louse dressed in black leather, whiskey, and a moustache, so, too, have these breathtakingly beautiful, bulbous roots been irresistible to me.
And I knew they were no good for me, they never had promised to be anything but otherwise. I watched bundle after bundle of them rot, heartlessly, half-grated, in their bin. Sometimes they’d go in a stir-fry, and taste not-horrible. Initially, it’d make me swoon, but upon further reflection I realized that’s not what I was looking for in my relationship with this vegetable. So, I used them to dye a couch, as you know, but that’s a sort of once-in-a-lifetime endeavor. And, I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before, but the event turned out tragically. The couch faded and looked stupid after a couple months. I gave it away, to a family with a good cover.
So last night, when I decided to do something with the beets the co-op had given me in a mixed share I’d pre-purchased the week before, I wasn’t expecting much. The recipe basically calls for grating beets, adding flour, and frying them in giant pancake form, in butter. Sounds gross.
• 1 to 1 1/2 pounds beets
• 1 teaspoon coarsely chopped fresh rosemary
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 cup flour
• 2 tablespoons butter
1. Trim the beets and peel them as you would potatoes; grate them in a food processor or by hand. Begin preheating a medium to large non-stick skillet over medium heat.
2. Toss the grated beets in a bowl with the rosemary and salt, then add about half the flour; toss well, add the rest of the flour, then toss again.
3. Place the butter in the skillet and heat until it begins to turn nut-brown. Scrape the beet mixture into the skillet, shape it into a nice circle, and press it down with a spatula. Turn the heat to medium-high and cook, shaking the pan occasionally, until the bottom of the beet cake is nicely crisp, 6 to 8 minutes. Slide the cake out onto a plate, top with another plate, invert the two plates, and slide the cake back into the pan. Continue to cook, adjusting the heat if necessary, until the second side is browned. Cut into wedges and serve immediately.
Makes 4 servings, time: 20 minutes
all praise the beet! may i add that roasting the beet, as one might roast a head of garlic, is just as good as anything else you might do with them? because it is. succulent would be the word. also, save the greens and cook steam them like kale, or swiss chard.
beets are so good for the liver, for those of us living in heavy pollution areas (and in close proximity to groovy bars . . .).
The beets Miah made were really good. She's telling the truth. I was there.
I'm definitely going to try that. I get beets all of the time too, but I can't get my husband to eat them in the boiled, pickled, or ensalada'd way. So I end up eating all the beets, and well, that's just not good...
I just found your blog and I love it and I will try this recipe. I spent way too much of my college career photographing beets and trying to reproduce them in plaster. Hooray for beets!
mark bittman rarely lets me down. though, we don't have the vegetarian one. a have been amazed at what we have been able to create just by following his instructions.
i made a zucchini bread recipe from him though, which did not turn out so good. i was trying to use up a bunch of zucchini's i purchased (from the co-op) that i had planned to leave on my neighbor's porches on august 8 for "sneak zucchini on your neighbor's porch night" but of course, aug8 came and went, and i still had all these lovely organic zucs. so, i thought i could just triple the recipe. i don't recommend doing that. i think i had to over mix the batter because the bowl was way too full, plus, something probably needs to change in the proportions when you triple a quick bread, or at least that is what my friends who are better cooks than i tell me... anyway, great story, can't wait to try the beet recipe.
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