Thursday, February 16, 2006

Old Couch Advice?

We have this very old and ugly sun-bleached & stained mint green couch.  Raj and I don't have the dinero to reupholster it.  We are quite willing to experiment on it, however, as there's pretty much no way to make it look any worse than it does. So the question is: Does anybody have any suggestions about what we might do to the couch?  We can make it an Art Couch (ala Art Car) so long as it can still function as a couch that doesn't stain peoples' clothes or endanger babies.    


Laura said...

On Friday I saw some frat boys who'd rigged up wheels on a couch, and were sitting in it, while others pushed them down the road. Maybe you could make your own couch-mobile! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello! I came across your journal
via 'theothermother' blog... Just thought I'd say hey and let you know I'll be reading!

MaGreen said...

welcome to green parenting, mary. we love the othermother, too.